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Speed Learning

I stand in my sitting room, observing my child Selma, she is only 4, she is able to interact of smart
devices, none of her parents, siblings or friends taught her how to navigate YouTube looking for
entertainment. She did it all by herself; this is from the age of 18 months. What happened? Who
taught her? What does the future look for her? How will she learn? I don’t know, what I know is that
she will be learning and unlearning things very fast based on her moment needs.
Today people are able to read digital maps and visit places in the world with absolute confidence
that never happened before, why did that learn take place? Because the tool was intuitive, the
learner was motivated because he needs to drive a customer from point A to point B. In the past you
are not allowed to be a taxi driver unless you complete 3 years training which includes memorising
the street maps of London. Ask any Black Cab driver and they will tell you. Now the speed of learning
decides your income. If you are able to quickly learn anything, you get the job.
The generation of my father stayed in the same job for a minimum of 20 years, sometimes staying
even in the same building. Today I change my job every 6 months. Statistics tell us that the future
employees will change their field of work totally about 14 times during their life time, how cool is
that? For such a professional to be employed, they will have to learn fast, this is the key skill today.
One day I got a contract to start on Monday, it was Wednesday. I looked at the job description and
spent the weekend learning as if there was no tomorrow. I turned up at the interview and got the
job. I have done nothing special other than learning fast. I am confident that anybody can do this if
they wish, they just need two things; determination and dedication.

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